
Prevention in industrial environments – Lightning protection systems

A lightning strike can not only have serious consequences for people and the environment, but also have considerable economic impacts. On the one hand, external lightning protection, i.e. building lightning protection, plays an essential role when it comes to ensuring the safety of life and limb. On the other hand, sensitive control technologies are used, especially in the process engineering environment, which – if an overvoltage occurs due to a strike – can cause a plant failure and thus major economic damage for the operators affected.

Against this background, we have been working reliably and consistently for our numerous industrial customers for years now – particularly in the chemical and petrochemical industries as well as in the power station and natural gas storage sectors.

Framework agreements and project support

Our many framework agreement customers particularly appreciate our high safety and quality requirements, qualified and motivated engineering, assembly and service teams, our distinctive interface expertise and professional order processing.
In the project business, our clients regularly express their satisfaction in the form of recurring enquiries.

For the industrial sector in particular, there are many points of contact within the Griesemann Group – in integrated plant construction or E/MCR-specific engineering or assembly projects – that harbour enormous potential for pooling resources and which we exploit in a cost-optimised manner for the benefit of our partners.

We have made a name for ourselves throughout Germany with personalised customer care, committed, reliable and conscientious service and the highest standards of high-quality, on-time and on-budget order fulfilment. For us, customer proximity is not just an empty phrase. We practise it. Every day. This is also demonstrated by our numerous branch offices, which we operate permanently on site for our major customers in the interests of flexible property management.

Our team has many years of industrial experience in the following sectors, among others:
Chemicals, petrochemicals, power stations, bio-gas plants, gas storage plants, energy supply, solar plants, wind power plants, gas pressure regulating stations, crude oil transfer stations, the automotive industry, speciality chemicals, transport, airports, etc.